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Massive has an average user rating of 4.08 from 12 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Massive


Reviewed By codevyper [all]
August 16th, 2010
Version reviewed: 5 on Windows

Massive is an accurate name for this VST! It sounds huge and it is incredibly flexible! I got it as part of Komplete 5. I spent about a month figuring it out and programming all kinds of sounds such as pads, leads and comps to use in a live situation.

The biggest complaints I have about Massive though, is that it just isn't stable! It crashed on me every time in Ableton 7 and 8, in Sonar and Cantabile! And when I mean crashed, I mean it rendered the VST host completely frozen. I'd have to shut down the VST host and restart. For that reason, it is completely unusable unless you're in your own studio and have the time. I also found it had some serious aliasing issues in the higher range on many of the waveforms. Finally, it's a CPU hog! Where my other VSTs might hover at the 12-15% range for a similar monophonic lead sound, Massive would get into the 30-40% range. I've since recreated several of my leads in other VSTs and found them much more CPU friendly. They don't sound quite as fat, but I know they won't crash on me on a gig.

I don't know if NI has fixed any those issues in their latest incarnation of Massive in Komplete 6 or the new Komplete 7. If they have then it is a nice VST, but if not, then you may be better served with a different VST.

I use other NI and really like their products, Massive is the only one that seems to give me problems.
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Comments & Discussion for Native Instruments Massive

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sir cortes
sir cortes
15 May 2013 at 10:22pm

Salutations people! I'm having problems with Massive, each time i open say a bassline i made the previous day,i still have to go and re-choose that very present i had chosen when making the bassline. Am i using it the wrong way or it always resets itself....

26 March 2014 at 1:58am

I am looking to purchase Massive used.... how do I go about buying something which is more virtual.. and less physical.. =P.

26 March 2014 at 4:39am

You use the KVR Market Place. http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=43.

Read first all Announcements at the top of that forum. These are important rules. Below this you have "sticky" posts (with small light bulbs beside each post). These are not sales. Look then look for license sale announcements in the posts below this section, that do not have the small light bulb beside them.
Most often you will conduct business with the person selling his/her software via Private Message. Read and familiarise yourself with the guidelines in the Announcements section at the top and you'll be entering the Market Place on the right foot.

2 June 2019 at 9:21am

Hey Guys.

I'm starting to upload a full course on Massive!
Check it our on my YouTube channel were you can find more tutorials and synth reviews.

Lesson 1 - Native Instruments - Massive Tutorial - Overview

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