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Synth (Hybrid) Plugin by TubeOhm

Pure-Pten has an average user rating of 4.00 from 1 review

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Pure-Pten


Reviewed By NON_73 [all]
November 15th, 2012
Version reviewed: 7 Home on Windows

There's not much to say about Pure Pten more than TubeOhm has done an impeccable job. Pure Pten is both good sounding VA synth in VST format and free of bugs.

It is built in a classic way with 3 osc, filter and ADSR (for both the envelope and filter) and is therefore very easy to understand and gives a clear overview of settings and sound management. Pure Pten also with arpeggiator and FX section, both of which can sync to MIDI.
It is often said that pictures say more than 1000 words, which match up's with the image on Pure Pten...

It should be said also that PurePten is a polyphonic version of their Pure Pone mono, which is free. Pure Pone gives virtually everything that Pure Pten can offer. The difference is that Pure Pten is polyphonic, and offering therefore certain advantages.

It works well on the V-Machine

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