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Electric Bass Plugin by SpearGear

Raspier has an average user rating of 3.00 from 1 review

Rate & Review Raspier

User Reviews by KVR Members for Raspier


Reviewed By Igrewsome [all]
August 2nd, 2014
Version reviewed: Vista on Windows

I would actually rate Raspier as a 6.5. The basic premise of Raspier is to be something of a hybrid between a funky 60's bass and a Gibson Grabber, with the moving pickup concept. Sadly, it's not a Grabber emulator, which would have been a must have if it was.

So everyone knows where I'm coming from, musically I'm Heavy nu-Metal/techno oriented. I like a punchy bass sound, which is extremely hard to find in VST emulators. Everyone wants to make deep bass tones.

Raspier is somewhat thin sounding for the deep bass genre, and lacks the oomph for the Grabber snarl. If, on the other hand, you like a punk sound, this may be the bass for you. Some experimenting is called for with the moving pickup. Couple this VSTi with the right bass amp and whatever other add ons you need, and it may be the right thing for you. I mean, it's free, so if you decide you don't like it, just delete. I was able to get a fairly good tone using BassGrinder Free and Kristalchorus.

It does have some smooth bass tones. I'll say it has a lot of parameters that can be adjusted that I really just don't have a lot of time to play with. I'd like to see someone else give it a try who's willing to invest the time to get a better tone from it and put their review up. A non-punchy Fender Jazz Bass sound can be achieved with the Silent Draft preset, and by poking at your amp sim (the Shark Cab on the BassGrinder amp mod).

Again, I'd like to see someone who's more into poking at parameters to review this. Since adding bass guitar is almost always the last step in songwriting for me, I'm usually at the point where I want to finish the song and move on.

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8 August 2012 at 8:04pm

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