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Ripchord has an average user rating of 4.50 from 2 reviews

Rate & Review Ripchord

User Reviews by KVR Members for Ripchord


Reviewed By Jason_ZA [all]
January 21st, 2021
Version reviewed: 2.40 on Windows

Ripchord is possibly the best MIDI audition tool (not just playing the MIDI but being able to see the notes being played), thanks to it's minimal CPU usage and the ability to scroll through the presets with the arrow keys, without any delay.

The search function in the presets section helps a lot but one feature I'd really like to see in a future update is the ability to have the preset folder contain subfolders, rather than them all being in one directory, in order to have them more organised. Finding specific presets when you have a lot can be quite a challenge, so having them categorised in folders would make it a lot easier - even if this only allows for searching in the folder you select.

Great VST and really worth checking out. I have Scaler 2 but still prefer auditioning with Ripchord - it's just so much quicker, especially when you have tonnes of Scaler presets added. Keep up the great work, Trackbout and thanks for this amazing free plugin.

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Comments & Discussion for Trackbout Ripchord

Discussion: Active
24 September 2019 at 8:00am

Thank you for sharing and portable one!_.

btw good the explanation video :).

18 February 2020 at 10:44pm

Thanks Ivan! We just released a major update today, hope you dig it.

27 June 2021 at 10:27pm

is there a way i can use ripchords in mpc software?

20 February 2020 at 12:48pm

Any chance for VST 2 compatibility?

20 February 2020 at 5:15pm

Unfortunately not. We've already made a VST2, but Steinberg will not allow us to give it to you. They are not giving any new developers a VST2 license, so only developers that already had a VST2 license before October 2018 are allowed to distribute VST2s now:


3 March 2020 at 6:56pm

The only thing I'm missing is an easy and fast Chord-Assigning. There for I created a VBA-based Excel-Sheet (for Windows only!!).
There you can do that. See the video sample on youtube:

18 July 2020 at 2:01am

I am loving the plugin especially the Prism Preset pack. Just one request, (can you add descriptions of the buttons when you roll over them, ) nobody can tell what the buttons do, or I forget and have to go dig up a video. Thanks!.

5 October 2020 at 6:34am

Thanks a lot to Trackbout for giving us Ripchord for free! I like it very much! But as mentioned in the review from bluetom, it would be nice if Ripchord is able to pass Mod-/Pitch-wheel and I guess all other CCs etc. in the next update. Or is this only on REAPER which I'm using here?

27 June 2021 at 10:26pm

is there a way i can use ripchords in mpc software?


Vampire TNA
Vampire TNA
11 February 2024 at 9:55pm

Thank you for this free plugin! Extremely useful! One question: Where are the imported MIDI files saved as presets? (i can see them after i restart Ripchord, but i cannot find them anywhere in Ripchords folder).

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