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Signal Noise SN01-G Compressor

Signal Noise SN01-G Compressor
Signal Noise SN01-G Compressor by Sender Spike is a Virtual Effect Audio Plugin for Windows. It functions as a VST Plugin.
Windows 7 or higher
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SN01-G is a dynamic range compression VST plug-in, inspired by two classic VCA buss compressors of UK and US variety. It has switchable linked feed-forward/feedback topology, with highly variable knee, optional internal side-chain filtering, optional 'push' effect, and adjustable wet/dry ratio (alongside the mandatory controls for threshold, ratio, gain, and envelope). The plug-in is designed to work both as musically pleasing buss glue while also being an efficient channel insert with low ASIO/CPU footprint.

Features in detail:

  • threshold from +20dB to -20dB.
  • ratio from 1:1 to infinity (brick-wall).
  • gain up to +24dB.
  • attack in range from 0.03ms to 30ms.
  • release in range from 50ms to 2 seconds.
  • adjustable knee width 0-24dB (0dB = hard-knee).
  • adjustable knee strength (0% = hard knee).
  • 2 optional filters for internal side-chain.
  • optional 'push' effect for more extreme compression.
  • dry/wet control for parallel compression.
  • switchable feed-forward/feedback topology.
  • no saturation modelling.

Latest User Reviews

Average user rating of 5.00 from 2 reviews
Signal Noise SN01-G Compressor

Reviewed By tinktink [all]
November 30th, 2022
Version reviewed: 11 on Windows

I don't know how this plugin has not received more attention and acclaim. It does exactly what it should do, with more flexibility and drastically less CPU than any other plugin I've come across. Some tape plugins claim that they can be used across multiple tracks, but that claim means very little if it uses up 50% of your CPU to do so. With this plugin, that becomes a reality, with a barely noticable CPU hit.

The addition of either offline oversampling or some high frequency filtering would be welcome additions when using more extreme settings, but I'm running it with great success in cakewalk, where you can oversample any individual plugins.

Kudos to the developer for making the first tape emulation plugin we can all become fanatical about (which we should!!!) and can use all over our mixes.

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Signal Noise SN01-G Compressor

Reviewed By eranmadi84 [all]
December 31st, 2019
Version reviewed: 12345678 on Windows

If you can see it's a perfect clone to native instruments solid buss compressor. Now, it's one of the most best freeware glue master mix buss compressor plugin free version ever used, and it free plugin easy to use 5 stars!!!!!. I love this plugin 64-bit free download.

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Comments & Discussion for Sender Spike Signal Noise SN01-G Compressor

Discussion: Active
12 November 2019 at 12:58pm

Hi. Thanks for the free plugin! Works great in FL Studio but both version of my download did not have a GUI.

12 November 2019 at 8:49pm

SN01.dll and SN01_x64.dll are GUI-less. Those files with G (SN01G.dll and SN01G_x64.dll) are with GUI. Both versions, GUI-less and the one with GUI should work alongside each other. At least they do in Cubase 5. Sadly, I have no access to FL Studio, so, I currently cannot look further into it.

12 November 2019 at 10:48pm

Ah, it was apparently a mistake on my part -- GUI didn't get compiled into 64-bit release. Talk about lame :D. It should work now.

12 November 2019 at 2:18pm

As VCA, auto release please... ^_^.

12 November 2019 at 8:59pm

The lack of auto release was the instance of me leaning toward the "US variety" :D Hm, but one switch could still fit in there--no promises, but it goes into my TODO list;).

12 November 2019 at 3:58pm

Thanks for the compressor, sounds really great! I downloaded both versions and also only got a grey modern looking GUI not the nice green one with the vu meter.

Thanks for an up date or info on how to get the green version advertised.

12 November 2019 at 8:55pm

Well, I'm afraid, I don't quite understand what you mean. There is no "grey modern looking GUI" compiled into any of the files, unless what you mean is the default UI of your DAW, in which case please see my other reply to C.Ray. Also, some visual clue would be helpful..screenshot maybe?

12 November 2019 at 9:32pm


I downloaded the SN01G_x64.dll file and my Studio One has it up and working properly but it is a small grey plugin with 8 controls.

Should I delete the file and try downloading again?

Thanks very much.

12 November 2019 at 10:50pm

I missed a switch to include the GUI into 64-bit release. I uploaded the fixed version, it should work now (tested with Cakewalk 2019 64-bit.). Sorry for inconvenience.

12 November 2019 at 9:56pm

Thanks for the freeware! SN01G_x64 is GUI-less here too, Ableton Live 9.7 (Only show the generic Live UI).

12 November 2019 at 10:51pm

Yeah, it was a bug in initial release. Please download the updated version, it should work now;).

13 November 2019 at 10:51am

Yes it's working, thanks.

12 November 2019 at 11:23pm

Okay thanks I will test now :).

12 November 2019 at 11:35pm

Thanks! Got the full green gui and I must say, or rather rave about this comp/limiter. I have a ton of great comp plugins and this is in another league, sounds very much like a great hardware comp...thanks so much! I will be telling all my studio friends about this. Keep up the amazing work.

12 November 2019 at 11:57pm

Thanks for encouragement -- the real "heroes" are the guys mentioned in the credits section of manual, though;) Anyway, I'm happy you like this comp. I do, too :D.

12 November 2019 at 11:56pm

One last question, are the two models API and SSL?

13 November 2019 at 2:58am

Yes, you can clearly tell from envelope ranges, shapes of SC filters, or the look of GR meter. However, to be thorough, I took some inspiration from Tube-tech, too. That's where the knee came from. I have the feeling that it makes a pretty good approximation of "opto-like" behavior (the smooth kind, not the pumping). But yes, the main inspiration came from API and SSL, I simply love the sound of VCA compression.

13 November 2019 at 9:00am

Bug in FL Studio 20 (Windows 10) with the SN01G_x64 version: closing and reopening the interface will cause the Mode and Push controls to reset to F and 0 respectively. This is just a GUI bug, the modes themselves don't actually change.

13 November 2019 at 5:13pm

Confirmed. It pertained to all versions/platforms/DAWs. Please, download the fixed version (1.02). Thanks for letting me know;).

23 December 2019 at 11:49am

If you can see it's a perfect clone to native instruments solid buss compressor. Now, it's one of the most best freeware glue master mix buss compressor plugin free version ever used, and it free plugin easy to use stats!!!!!!.

24 December 2019 at 11:54pm


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