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SonEQ Pro

Equalizer Preamp Plugin by Sonimus

SonEQ Pro has an average user rating of 5.00 from 1 review

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User Reviews by KVR Members for SonEQ Pro

SonEQ Pro

Reviewed By dissofiddle [all]
May 26th, 2020
Version reviewed: 101 on Windows

If you love the sonEQ, you ll love this one ! (and you ll support sonimus !).

It's a wonderfull coloring/tone shaping tool that never sounds bad and that contains history !
It is an homemade mix of famous analog units :

The drive is nice and adds low end presence, there's a pultec shelf for the lows, .

an agressive low-mid/mid band, a smooth high-mid bands, and wonderfull high-shelp trop produce air and shimmer .

There is also different high-frequency cuts filter/bands type, that allows to tame the high in a very musical way (different configuration of high shelf and low-cut filter that are perfectly connected to do the job)

Some examples of use :

- Pultec shelf and drive on drums/bass to shape the low-end with no mud.

- shimmer and agression on vocals with the high mid and shelf.

- tame high frequency of a violin in a musical way to let the vocals cut through the highs.

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