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Visual Plugin Development Software by Kirsty Roland

SynthCraft has an average user rating of 5.00 from 2 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for SynthCraft


Reviewed By gwenmollo [all]
July 24th, 2023
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows

Amazing !.

A last I can produced my own plugin .

It's not stable, no tuto, just a few demo projects, but it's here ..

Thanks, I hope you pursuit the development.

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Comments & Discussion for Kirsty Roland SynthCraft

Discussion: Active
kirsty roland
kirsty roland
6 July 2023 at 1:14pm

UPDATED to V0.402

Fixed a bug with MIDI hardware recognition and MIDI controller messages.

Please download the latest version from my Blog.

(c) Kirsty Roland.


Ben [KVR]
Ben [KVR]
6 July 2023 at 1:50pm

You should really update the download link in the KVR product listing too, otherwise the download link here will continue to point to the older version.

kirsty roland
kirsty roland
6 July 2023 at 3:49pm

Thanks :).

15 April 2024 at 5:09am

Hi, great app, thanks! But how do you add a Waveform primitive to DSP window? I did not find it in popup list of components, even copying it from your example synth project does not copy it, pasting back some module called Param nn.. And without this Waveform primitive you cannot feed an oscillator primitive, so, pretty uselless..


7 July 2023 at 8:12pm

Really like the concept of this. But if not wrong it is not possible to automate the parameters of a final vst? I am on Ableton and tried to midi-map parameters of the example synth. Unfortunately without any success.

kirsty roland
kirsty roland
8 July 2023 at 9:25am

Not with this early beta version yet but its on my TODO list.

Once SynthCraft is compiling to CLAP I can implement all the CLAP automation goodies.

Regards Kirsty.

kirsty roland
kirsty roland
9 July 2023 at 3:08pm

Updated to V0.412

Fixed a bug with SynthCraft.cfg file.

Please download the latest version from my blog.



Kirsty :).


10 July 2023 at 9:11pm

I love your development environment, congratulations friend, I think I'll be a frequent user, I love these modular systems and I've been a user of synthmaker (Flowstone) for a few years but unfortunately I abandoned it and for some reason I can't make it work on my computers With win10., SynthCraft works very well for me in Win10. I like the interface design section a lot. You can do a lot designing the components of the templates, I think that to make synths this is incredible. Thank you very much for so much effort.. :).

kirsty roland
kirsty roland
12 July 2023 at 1:20pm

Hi Callybeat.

Thanks for your comment. I hope you continue to enjoy using SynthCraft as I develop it in future.



kirsty roland
kirsty roland
12 July 2023 at 1:22pm

SynthCraft Updated to v0.414

Fixed a few small bugs on the Gui and SynthCraft.cfg file.
This version is a lot more stable.
Please download the latest version.


14 July 2023 at 4:41am

This looks awesome! I won't have a chance to check it out for a couple more days, I'm wondering if it's possible to do phase distortion synthesis in it? VirtualCZ is the only PD plugin I've liked but I'd like to take it a little further with more waveforms at the very least, but I'd also like to play around with FM algorithm like structures, I have a feeling it might turn out messy since no one has done it yet but I'd like to find out for myself. Either way I can't wait to jump in this weekend and see what all SynthCraft has to offer and make some GUI elements to use it's been a long time since I've done that and my grafix software has been doing nothing at all.

kirsty roland
kirsty roland
14 July 2023 at 9:02am

Hi Theorize.

Thanks for your interest.
SynthCraft is still in beta as I didn't have enough time to make a full program so there is only a limited number of modules available right now.
KVR developer contest rules say I can only post bug fixes during the voting process but once voting is over I will update SynthCraft with many more features.
I intend to add most of the modules I already have in my Analogy synth, so PD/FM/Wavetable/Physmo/and many more are coming.

I would also like to set up a forum so users can help guide SynthCraft's development with suggestions and requests.
I'm currently playing with vector graphics for the GUI Editor :).


15 July 2023 at 7:41am

Hi Kirsty,

Thank you for the reply, in a few hours I'll finally get to download and try it out, I'm not sure if there's support for bitmap textures, if so or if it's planned I'm going make some textures to use, I'd be happy to share any GUI assets I make, it's something I enjoy doing, especially the seamless texture making, I don't know why I like it so much but I do. I'm looking forward to this.

20 July 2023 at 3:45am

You have my 5-point vote! I really like this project, I tried it out and seems like a good workflow, just needs more modules but you seem to have a good base, and I like the way you are implementing the UI elements so far. One thing I'm wondering is: are you planning to release a SDK so we can code our own oscillators and filters? I see lots of potential with this, I feel like it's going to be really fast to use once we get more modules, I like the idea of using it more like a modular synth that we can export patches in VST format, rather than trying to make a really successful synth, I like the idea of making microsynths that are really focused! Really great software you have and if I can help in any way I'd be very happy to.

14 July 2023 at 5:16pm

Hooray! I've been a delighted fan ever since discovering XSRDO Patchwork Modular in 2012, and I've also managed to use FlowStone for years without finishing/releasing anything;).

There's things about FS I love and cherish, but I would relish the chance to help you refine and develop SynthCraft further- can't wait for that post-vote update :D.

9 December 2023 at 7:01am

Hi Kirsty.

What is the license of SynthCraft? It would be fantastic if it were FLOSS/GPL.

Also, could I be able to run it in my DAW as a VST3 or CLAP or whatever plugin, whether now or later, or will it always be standalone?

Also, could I do additive synthesis with it, such as with reference to/along the lines of Reaktor's Razor? I presume you are aware of Reaktor's fantastic synth library? Would this be a community-- ideally FLOSS-- you might want to nurture with SynthCraft? That would also be fantastic.

If you think SynthCraft (I like the name and I also knit BTW) might be a little outside of my scope, could you recommend anything else within it, or in the mean time? PlugData? If you think it might be within my scope, but just not yet, would you have a rough idea of time of arrival and if so, what would it be?


kirsty roland
kirsty roland
9 December 2023 at 3:17pm

Borbolactic: What is the license of SynthCraft?
Please read the LICENCE.txt in the synthCraft folder.

Borbolactic: Also, could I be able to run it in my DAW as a VST3 or CLAP
In my personal view VST is a dead/dying platform so definitely not VST3 but CLAP should be possible.

Borbolactic: Also, could I do additive synthesis with it, such as with reference to/along the lines of Reaktor's Razor
I've never heard of Reaktor Razor so I had to read about it here on KVR. There is a mixed bag of reviews without saying what it actually does!
From what I read its a simple additive oscillator (14 fixed waveforms) followed by some filters and effects and a fancy 3D waterfall display.
SynthCraft could easily do this and more but would probably require me to write an efficient Additive Oscillator and associated graphics.
There's not much point in doing this until I drop support for VST and replace it with CLAP.

Borbolactic: If you think SynthCraft (I like the name and I also knit BTW) might be a little outside of my scope...
Nah, it's easy to make a plugin with SynthCraft and getting easier all the time.

Borbolactic: ..would you have a rough idea of time of arrival and if so, what would it be?
Dunno. I keep updating it each day. Eventually it will reach critical mass and be ready for v1.0.

Hope this helps.
Regards Kirsty.


kirsty roland
kirsty roland
9 March 2024 at 4:09pm

SynthCraft updated to v0.700.

Lots of improvements and modules.

Improved editor.

Improved end user GUI tools.

Improved module inter-connections.

Improved help file.

Faster plugin code compilation.

Download from https://xsrdo.blogspot.com/



kirsty roland
kirsty roland
27 April 2024 at 2:06pm

Updated to v0.710

Please download the latest version from my blog and joint in at the Official SynthCraft KVR forum



Kirsty :).

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