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Splitter Plugin by TheZhe

TheSplit has an average user rating of 4.00 from 3 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for TheSplit


Reviewed By saseva5135 [all]
August 1st, 2023
Version reviewed: 1.0.3 on Windows

TheSplit is a powerful tool for mix and mastering, but I'm a little confused with the A&S mode.

For some materials with low sustain levels, I found the S channel decays even faster than the A channel. According to my observation, it was caused by A channel not fully attenuated. So, in future versions, is it possible to increase the maximum range of the Sensitivity param to much higher than 36dB?

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Reviewed By UrbanEric [all]
February 2nd, 2022
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Mac

Don't want to give this a good or bad review....yet. Is there an owners manual? I got "this plugin cannot be used" "VST3 plugin could not be opened" and "the audio unit plugin is not compatible" error messages in Ableton Live 11 on Intel mac. Doesn't show up at all in Logic Pro 10/5.1 on Intel mac. It's free so I can't complain. :).

Response from TheZhe from TheZhe on February 2nd, 2022

Thank you for your review and understanding! I have fixed some issues on the mac side of things in 1.0.2. Furthermore, if you're using a mac without support for Metal, an update is coming for that. I hope you can give it another shot; I am usually able to respond to feedback and update the plugin within 2-3 days.

Best, .


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Reviewed By JayMisc [all]
January 31st, 2022
Version reviewed: 1.0.0 on Windows

TheSplit is a great splitter plugin, simple yet minimalistic UI and straight to the point, It does what it's supposed to do.

Response from TheZhe from TheZhe on February 2nd, 2022

Thanks, Jay.

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Latest 3 reviews from a total of 3

Comments & Discussion for TheZhe TheSplit

Discussion: Active


2 February 2022 at 1:48pm

Tested update 1.0.2 and it is working, I think? I see two circles C&S (mode) and Off (flip). But no way to control or do anything. I have this inserted on a stereo audio track in Live, I can test with Logic pro. Also I can test on a mono track or virtual synth. I guess there is no manual or directions or example how to use this or change settings, control, etc.?

2 February 2022 at 7:58pm

Thanks for your willingness to try again, I really appreciate it. 1.0.3 attempts to fix the control issue. Currently no manual exists other than the README.txt; my plugins are minimalistic and I encourage my users to experiment until they find a sound they like. I think everything will make sense once your issue is fixed.

Best, .


3 February 2022 at 6:36pm

Update: Just tested on Live. Can confirm it works. -- Zhe.

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