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Toxic Biohazard

Synth (FM) Plugin by Image Line

Toxic Biohazard has an average user rating of 4.67 from 3 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Toxic Biohazard

Toxic Biohazard

Reviewed By 11011011 [all]
July 29th, 2008
Version reviewed: 1.0.1 on Mac

Very good synth, absolutely worth adding to your stable. Toxic Biohazard is absolutely perfect out of the box for dance, ambient, house and trance tracks. It stretches nicely to suit other styles, and is very easy to program and experiment with.

Since I moved to Mac/Live, I've been missing a strong FM sound in my palette. Toxic was a breath of fresh air. I had played around with Toxic II and III, and when I finally mulled it over and was ready to buy, this plugin had taken its place.

I was put off at first, because the presets I'd fell in love with on Toxic III seemed mostly absent. I found a forum post saying that the older presets were compatible with Toxic Biohazard, so I gave in and got it (and yes, the presets from the older version worked perfectly).

Also, there are a ton of presets you get when you buy which aren't in the demo. I had a little trouble downloading the preset packs, but I got quick and excellent support from the forums and also from the developer. Good show there.

The sound is crisp and clean in the mid to high end, and is capable of some nice warmth on the low end. Some of the sounds are extremely rich and often stunning. For all its sonic power, it sits nicely in the mix.

Another area it stands out is the pattern sequencer. It's easy to setup, has 64 steps, and you can copy your pattern to other patches (handy). The import doesn't seem to work with random midi files, and I wish it did. But I can see there would be some big technical snags with that, so I'm not sweating it.

The AU version seems to suffer from some minor issues with Live 6, and the developer responded immediately that they're looking into it. I switched to the VST, and have had zero problems. Again, good support there.

Go get this synth, it's amazing.
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User Reviews of older versions

Toxic III

Reviewed By SoundSculptor [all]
September 5th, 2005
Version reviewed: 2.0 on Windows

I own Rhino and have demoed Sytrus, Blue and FM7 - all fine synths, but I am attracted to Toxic for two main reasons:

1. The layout. Having EVERYTHING one on page makes it v-e-r-y easy to edit and see what makes up the patch. It becomes much more accessable rather than to be spread out over many pages. The look is clean, easy-to-read and, with the exception of a few minor quibbles, makes "sense".

2. The sound. Of course that is what it all comes down to, but with some more complicated synths, I get a headache tweaking thousands of parameters long before I get to the sound. Toxic is lush and full and quite "playable". While it can be coerced to do weirdness, it seems best suited as a performance instrument though it lacks aftertouch. Pads, organs, rhodes, strings, basses - all quite convincing without too much of the "metallic" overtones present in some FM synths.

It also features a decent arpeggiator and a rich but simple filter section. Effects are limited, but do the job.

The manual is nicely designed, but too basic. Would like to see a little bit more on the FM part of the synth or at least some links to information rather than assuming the user is already experienced in that area.


Does it have every bell & whistle and an endless list of features with highly tweakable multi-point envelopes? No. Will you miss them? I doubt it. You can get to where you want to go fairly easily and are rewarded with a thick, organic sound. Don't be put off by it's relative simplicity. I had long wanted a Yamaha FS1R hardware synth and now the desire is laid to rest in this well-designed, tasty instrument.

BTW, check out my new soundset soon to be added to the Toxic website to see what this baby is capable of. (Tom Johnson)
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Toxic III

Reviewed By mikejade [all]
August 22nd, 2005
Version reviewed: 2.2 on Windows

Ok, so I read the review in some magazine. OK, so they warned me to have the credit card handy if I try the demo. This time they were right.

I am not into dance/trance music, my choice of synth is the one that can be used in indie rock, pop, jazzy even. So I was considering NI Pro-53, which is really great for the job.

But this one appeared with its 6 oscilators, wide range of waveforms, FM matrix, 2 LFOs, Filter, Amp, Distortion, 32 step sequencer, EQ and effects, and took the prime spot. Basically, this can do Moog, Pro-53 or Albino.

Layout is very ergonomic and easy to understand. You could say it has some touching points with LinPlug design. All buttons can be tweaked without buzz. Key response is quick, no latency problems.

There is a huge number of presets that show the whole range of the synth, although the emphasis is on dance music. Most presets are usefull, huge selection of bass, lead and pad variations.

Sound: powerful, convincing. Effects are really useful. Goes to the mix without the need for additional tweaking or boosting.

CPU usage is surprisingly low, even with pads. No crash jet.

I had some problems with MIDI assigning, since Toxic has pre-defined controls cc #1-30 that can be assigned to parameters, while my controler Edirol PCR-30 has different numbering. But, I can assign control through Tracktion anyway so this is no issue for me. I contacted Maxx about it, and he was very helpful and quick to reply. He promised to fix it in the next major update.

As I said, I tried the demo, saw the very attractive price and concluded that this is the only commercial synth I need. Price/performance here is unbeatable.
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