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Synth (Subtractive) Plugin by synthANDware

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Comments & Discussion for synthANDware Wave

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1 December 2016 at 5:06pm

As far as I can tell, your wave demo is silent.

4 December 2016 at 4:14pm

Hi, what OS and what DAW are you using?

2 December 2016 at 7:42am

I can't seem to get the factory patches to work? I would like to rate, but I'm not a big 'tweaker' when I check out synths... I like to just hear it. Mac OS X.

4 December 2016 at 4:12pm

Use the 'go to folder' function of finder, . Just type in /Users/yourename/Library/ - where yourname is the user name of your OS X profile.

Copy the WaveSynthDatabase.xml file into this directory before you open Wave in your DAW.


2 December 2016 at 12:26pm

Same problem here on a win7 x64 pc. I copied the xöl to the correct directory but the VSTi is not picking it up.

Edit> After copying over the xml again it works now. Sorry, my mistake.

4 December 2016 at 4:33am

Call me silly, but I'm having the same problem figuring out where to save the xml. file. Windows 10 user here. I find no C:\Users\myusername\AppData\Roaming\WaveSynthDatabase.xml. I'm excited to play with the new VST but there is no AppData\roaming directory that I can find to place the file. I've tried different directories that I usually save preset files in but it doesn't seem to load the same as other vsts. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

4 December 2016 at 4:04pm

Hi Mark, .

open the windows explorer and type %appdata% into navigation bar. Windows Explorer should navigate to your local profile roaming appdata directory.

Copy the WaveSynthDatabase.xml file into this directory before you open Wave in your DAW.

5 December 2016 at 6:49pm

Any chance there will be a 32-bit version of it?
My DAW of choice is 32-bit...

5 December 2016 at 7:09pm

I will try to find time next weekend and compile a 32-bit build. What OS are you using? Win or OS X?

5 December 2016 at 7:15pm

Hi Kalimeiro.

Wow, that's good news!
I'm on Windows.
Looking forward to try it out.
Thanks for sharing.

9 December 2016 at 7:02pm

Hi, .

uploaded a new zip that contains a 32-bit build.

Have fun.

10 December 2016 at 7:47pm

Thanks a lot.

6 December 2016 at 1:00am

Really frustrated trying to get the sample sounds into the Wave. Opened Wave in my DAW, then read how to install the xml file and tried but read that I should do this BEFORE opening the plug in the DAW, so I removed Wave from the DAW and tried to load the file first. I was able to put the file into the app data nav. bar, but when I hit OPEN, it only opens up a blank page and loads nothing into the DAW. I'm sure it's user error, but just seems like a difficult way to get some presets into this plugin. I'm not totally computer savvy either. I'll keep trying, but any suggestions would be appreciated.

6 December 2016 at 7:20pm

Hi, .

check the location of the XML file again and restart your DAW and Wave. If it is in the right place Wave will load it. The XML file contains only some example presets for this synth.

After the KVR DC 2016 finished (no additional features!), I will provide a import button to easily import XML patch files.

Sorry, I did not expect it is such a problem to locate the right directory.

30 December 2016 at 2:18pm

Thanks for making this. I have been looking for a cross platform, low resource, subtraction synth to teach my audio production (high school) students about synthesis.
This seems prefect for my use. I have question, I will pm you regarding parameter values in ableton live.

28 February 2017 at 8:51am

Hey man, I downloaded this and followed the instructions- it's not showing up in ableton at all- i put the VST in the vat folder, and the xml in the users/yourname/library/ folder- i even tried to put the VST file in the VST folder in the user area- deleted it all, and tried again- with ableton off, not sure what i'm missing? I'm running 64-bit mac i7, ableton 9 64-bit.

11 April 2017 at 7:53pm

Hi. First i have to say that I really like this synth. Secondly, there seems to be a problem with sone of the parameters. The LFO ik particular. I cant modulate the pitch and filter, only the amp. Also the only waveforms that seems to be working is the saw, square and sine. Not the saw up, saw down and the pump waveform. Not a big deal of course. Also when will the next update be? Could we possibly get PWM ? Cheers. :)

11 April 2017 at 8:23pm

Oh and another important thing. It isnt possible to automate any parameters e.g filter cutoff etc.

Could you implement that also?

27 January 2019 at 9:04pm

Very basic but nice Synth. Low on CPU, good base sound. Easy to use. Smooth Gui.Nice reverb. 32-bit version (thanks !) works good, in Ableton.
It could though use an aftertouch functionality, and maybe an arpeggiator.

Place of .xml is rather unusual (root of roaming, there should be the folders and nothin else). Better would be the plce where the .dll resides.
Some weird behavior in Tobybear Minihost (x86): Title of Minihost shows changing characters as if the preset name is constantly modified.
But it seems abandoned ? No change since 12/2016.

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