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Wavetable Synth Plugin by SocaLabs

Wavetable has an average user rating of 4.00 from 1 review

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Wavetable


Reviewed By EgonTwo [all]
September 24th, 2023
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

My first impression was "another Vital"? It turns out, yes. More and/or less.

The comparison is unavoidable because they, as well as Serum, are spectral warping wavetable synths with morphable waveforms in 3D..

Vital is more refined - with clearer and easier modulation implementation, more effects and rudimentary sample playback.

Wavetable has more wavetables than the free version of Vital. While I was able to figure out most of the modulation matrix, it feels a bit awkward. But it generally works well.

However I did have an issue with the LFOs. I was unable to find a way to get them to NOT retrigger at the beginning of each note. I would have liked to be able to introduce a bit of randomness to some of my patches using slow LFO settings. But because they retrigger at the beginning of their cycles at the onset of each note, they end up only working like an envelope.

Another annoying glitch happens when I reaload a session, the patch name is incorrect, though the patch sound is correct.

All this being said, as a first release this is an excellent sounding and very usable synth. It seems to be very stable, never crashing during the few hours I tinkered with it. Despite its limitations I will be using it in some of my productions.

I encourage the developer, Socalabs, to keep building on this really solid foundation.

Response from FigBug from SocaLabs on September 25th, 2023


Thanks for the nice review. It's still early days of this synth and I'm going to keep working on it. Suggestions are more than welcome. I'll will add an option to disable re-trigger on the LFOs.

I need to write some documentation or do a intro video. Hopefully you figured out the modulation, but here's a quick rundown:

  • Double circles are per voice modulation sources.
  • Single circles are global modulation sources.
  • If you assign a per voice mod source to a global parameter, it will use the oldest voice.
  • You can assign by dragging a mod source to a knob, modulation will be applied at full strength.
  • You can click a mod source, and while it's active, any knob you touch will have modulation applied. Hold shift to adjust knob value. Click mod source again to disable assign mode.
  • When modulation is assigned, a dot appears next to knob. Click and drag to adjust mod depth. Right click to un-assign.
  • You can also adjust depth and un-assign from mod matrix.
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Comments & Discussion for SocaLabs Wavetable

Discussion: Active
25 September 2023 at 4:13pm

Hi FigBug from SocaLabs,

Thanks for your reply and thanks for considering the LFO option. I look forward the updates and will make suggestions as the come to me when working with Wavetable. Finding a more specific name for this VST also might be helpful.

I did somewhat figure out some of the modulation workflow, but yes, a user manual would be a great help.

Cheers, E.



25 September 2023 at 6:22pm

You can always grab the latest at the GitHub page. LFO retrigger is there as an option now: https://github.com/FigBug/Wavetable/releases

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