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Zero Vector

Synth (Hybrid) Plugin by White Noise Audio
No Longer Available

Zero Vector has an average user rating of 4.60 from 5 reviews

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User Reviews by KVR Members for Zero Vector

Zero Vector

Reviewed By MickGael [all]
November 3rd, 2004
Version reviewed: 3 on Windows

Let me say up front that I was lucky enough to be a beta tester for ZeroVector, but let me be clear: this is an honest and impartial review. If it sounds like a rave, it is because I love this synth!

Quite simply, I can't think of another VST with the kind of power that ZeroVector offers that is easier to program. It begs you to create your own sounds.

Interface: Clean, elegant, and very intuitive. It comes bundled with 2 skins, and is skinnable. Very cool.

Sound: Rich, liquid and rich. To my ears, it sounds a bit like the venerable CS-80V. Capable of wispy, aggressive, and all points in-between. But try and write your own presets on the CS-80V and you will appreciate the elegant simplicty of Zero Vector.

Features: Very flexible. But again, not at the exprense of ease-of-use.

Documentation: It is a testament to the ease-of-use of this synth that I have never once had to look at documentation. Add to that the fact that as a guitar player, I am not the most experienced sound designer. But given that I am able to create sounds that exceed my own expectations, I could not be more thrilled.

Presets: Lots of 'em, and they are a strong selling point. No, I don't say that because I wrote a bank. ;) A bunch of very talented soiund designers wrote banks, and the default bank does a terrific job of showing-off the range of the synth.

Customer Support: Dave Wallin is a g0od guy, very professional and very responsive. Nothing but good things to say here.

Value for money: If only for the sheer ease of programming, this is a good value. When you factor in the flexible sound, the growing number of free banks (I'll be posting more myself over the next few weeks) it's an even better deal.

Stability: Rock-solid on my P4 using Cubase and Chainer. I have had some issues using MiniHost, but that seems to have been limited to my machine.

Wish list: I would like to see more waveforms - especially the ability to import (or create) your own. I would also like the abiity to define your own default sound bank.

Bottom line: I own most of the "usual suspects" and many of the big name synths, and I have to say this is becoming my go-to synth - especially when I want to "roll my own" sounds. Very strongly recommended.
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Comments & Discussion for White Noise Audio Zero Vector

Discussion: Active
24 October 2014 at 10:48am

I was looking to buy Zero Vector vst, but it is no longer available. Who can help me with a full version or possibly a verification number / code because I now have a demo version ? Thank you :)

15 April 2019 at 6:53am

Still looking for Zero Vector. Anyone ...???

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