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All reviews by Ambient Mechanics

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Nils K1v

Reviewed By Ambient Mechanics [all]
July 7th, 2020
Version reviewed: v1.05 on Windows

Wow, this really is a blast from the past! I've just spent the last two hours playing with this and they were two of the fastest hours I've experienced in a long time. This really is an outstanding offering, one I think will really stand the test of time and build up and army of followers/users for a long time to come.

The sounds /presets are amazingly accurate and clear, while the UI is intuitive and easy to use. The interface looks a little dated, but I guess it could hardly be anything else when you remember what it is we're dealing with here. Still, it would be a nice touch to have skins for this at some future point, as well as an FX page under the Mode section. tucked away out of sight, so as not to take from the vintage look that greats you when you load up this little gem.

Still, even as it is, it's a great realization of a real classic and kudos is well and truly deserved for all the time and effort that went into producing this. Thanks Nils..very much appreciated.

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MuLab App

Reviewed By Ambient Mechanics [all]
September 20th, 2018
Version reviewed: 7.7.4 on Windows

I've tried many DAWs over the years, but MuLab is by far my favorite and the only one I now use. I love the intuitive design of its UI, which means it doesn't get in the way of me being creative..and its powerful tools enables me to be just that.

The thing I really love most about it is its ability to record music like any other DAW, as well as giving you the option of taking a modular approach to creating music, with it's built-in tools and included sounds and presets. From a user's point of view, it's like owning two great DAWs seamlessly merged into one..and combining and/or switching between both interfaces (the standard DAW interface and the Modular interface) during a project is as simple as clicking a button. This makes it a great "first" DAW for people just starting out in music / beat production, as well as a really powerful tool for any seasoned Pro.

The detailed help documents found on the MuTools site covers every aspect of the program and does a really good job of explaining and walking you through the program's features. I found it to be a well-written guide, that serves to get you up and running with MuLab right from the very start. There's also really good, solid support offered through the official MuTools forum here on KVR, which clearly shows how fast help is given and issues addressed in general..

All DAWs do the same basic job..but the best DAW for YOU is the one that compliments / enhances YOUR workflow in general. MuLab seems to take this into account, perhaps more than any other DAW, with the options it gives you and the powerful creative set of tools it puts in your hands..but, unlike other DAWS out there, it doesn't leave you feeling "over-whelmed" by the whole experience..

In short, MuLab sounds great, looks fantastic and is a real joy to use..plus it's great value for money, which is always a good thing, too! Thanks MuTools, for creating this gem and keeping its development moving forward all the time. MuLab is my "go-to" DAW and I'm going to be using it for many years to come.

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