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All reviews by Quietinthedark

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Reviewed By Quietinthedark [all]
September 27th, 2013
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows

This is a Swiss army knife for saturation. I have been A/Bing it with other saturation plugins on works in progress and it frequently replaced what had been on the tracks. What it doesn't beat are some compressors that have saturation and a couple tape sims. Of course, that is not a criticism because it does not purport to do these things really.

Two things I was confused about before trying it were digital and fuzz modes.

I guess I think of 'digital' as, assuming quality conversion and bits, as not adding much to sound so I was a blank as to what this mode would do. This mode, to me, sounds like a digital hardware unit. Okay makes sense. You are getting by this point I didn't read the manual.

fuzz - not your fuzz pedal fuzz unless cranked. Much more useful than I thought it would be for subtle de-digitalizing.

In sum, well worth my money, one of the more versatile saturation plugs I've used.

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Amp Vision

Reviewed By Quietinthedark [all]
May 8th, 2013
Version reviewed: 7 on Windows

Purchase was easy enough and instant- you just log in after your payment goes thru and it gives you your name and serial.

Install was simple, unzip, put in DAW's VST folder, enter name and serial.

User interface is intuitive. Amp tabs, pedal tabs, cabinet tab, noise gate, general plugin controls.

The only thing it took me a few seconds to figure out was how to have stereo IRs. (I knew it must be possible since I was looking at the pan knob) - use the Cab drop down.

Sound. It sounds like guitar amps, cabs, and pedals. I wont attempt to describe it, there is a demo and tones are like cheese; some like Cheddar and some Gouda.

Lets you load your own IRs.

I would probably appreciate a few more knobs on some of the models, but I suppose they are true to what some of the amps they were tributes to.

I've been looking for a guitar rig plugin with a lot of clean tones and this plugin comes with plenty. At the special sale price $28, it works out to one amp model per $1. It has everything from clean to metal of course. It has a couple overdrive or distortion pedals, a couple EQs, autowah, Comp. The noise gate was smooth.

CPU use - Much the same as other amp sims.

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Reviewed By Quietinthedark [all]
April 1st, 2013
Version reviewed: 7 on Windows

The full feature list on the first tab is very informative so I can't add much to that. It delivers those features as promised.

A couple reasons for a very high rating:

One, don't be fooled by the simple looking interface. This is an extremely deep plugin. The description as a chorus/delay/reverb/ensemble is no exaggeration. Each of the 6 pages has a few knobs and each could lead you down a different experimental or tweaking perfection path.

But don't despair. The tooltips that pop up at the bottom of the plugin are helpful. Even having a good understanding of modulation and delay, this plugin took me a half-hour to fully grasp and would have taken much longer without the tooltips.

With every parameter aimed at the above functions, my impression is that the author intended to do that, but turn it up to 11. This can go from very subtle to ridiculous (in playing with it I made a whole soundscape from the sound of my guitar switch being turned on). Putting wetness to a lower percent I was enjoying having random sounding pitch trails floating around the source like a drunken choir.

Last, the promised 'parameter smoothing.' I frankly am not sure what is under the hood in terms of coding for this but the effect is noticeable. Routing this to my DAW controller and/or automating it thru the DAW, I could produce very smooth sounding pitch bends a la a tape cassette slowing down. Not that I ever had noticeable clicks with other delay plugs, but there was something a little more 'realistic' to the operation here - I think correctly described as smooth.

After installing this, I removed several other plugins from different categories.

- Quiet in the Dark AKA Scott Sinner.

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