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Reviewed By jrucks01 [all]
June 24th, 2014
Version reviewed: 7 Pro on Windows

Well, a quick disclaimer and background before I start my review of SplineEQ. I had never heard of SplineEQ until today when asked to provide a review and my thoughts on the plugin. My mixing skills are adequate and continually growing and the opinions are solely mine based on my experience with the product. Now without further ado my review of SplineEQ.

SplineEQ was a completely new type plugin for me. I have only used a handful of EQs and mainly the stock PreSonus ProEQ (awesome by the way) and Waves Q10 & Renaissance EQs. There are more EQs in my arsenal but I usually stick to those that I know for mixing. Either I have had my head in the sand or just never caught up with the difference between phase and linear EQ - branching out during mastering EQ was using my Waves V-series EQs (I know rookie moves). However, having used the SplineEQ on a quick little ditty I threw together tonight my eyes have been opened in a shock of my ignorance. I will provide links to my examples using SplineEQ and same example without SplineEQ. But first my thoughts.

- any boosts and cuts need to be in moderation, but this plugin for some reason was very intuitive for me.

- use the provided presets for examples and starting points, I used the preset for the track and then adjusted to my liking and then saved for later use.

- the analyzer graphics are astonishingly useful; I prefer graphical analyzers in my EQ plugins and yes I use my ears but like having my eyes helping out.

- the only con is the CPU usage which is adjustable but never over the top in my limited experience.

The short track I recorded for examples consist of the following:

1 acoustic guitar (capo 7th fret) with a non-capo acoustic guitar accompany; bass; electric guitars; and Slate Drums 4 separated into channels for mixing.

Acoustic guitars both used my modified SplineEQ preset 'Acoustic - Bright and Balanced'

The electric guitars had a SplineEQ preset I modded 'Electric - smooth'

Bass guitar had SplineEQ modded preset 'Bass -12db limit for kick mix'

Snare used the preset 'Snare - 1' with a minor high-mid boost for rim shots.

Kick used the preset 'Bassdrum A1' with minor tweaks to remove the boxiness.

The drum bus had my FX chain preset of 1. PreSonus Pro Eq 2. IK Multimedia Black76 3. IK Multimedia Vintage 670.

Master bus had my normal setup of 1. Slate VCC 2. NI Bus Compressor 'Mix Glue' preset 3. Slate Tape Machine 1/2"

Each track has Slate Tape Machine and Virtual Console inserted before SplineEQ.

Here are the two examples:

First the mix without the SplineEQ: https://soundcloud.com/jrucks01/example-no-splineeq.

Now with SplineEQ: https://soundcloud.com/jrucks01/example-splineeq-active.

My take is that the SplineEQ gives each instrument its own space and allows the sounds to mix better. Having only spent several hours with SplineEQ I can already tell it will be a new go to weapon in mixing for myself and clients. Please let me know your thoughts on the review and thank you for reading.

*SplineEQ is currently selling for $19 until July 5th according to the website, so don't hesitate to buy. Low investment, big return in my view.

J. Rucks.

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Reviewed By jrucks01 [all]
June 24th, 2014
Version reviewed: 7 on Windows

I used the UltraChannel on acoustic guitars I was tracking this weekend. To be upfront, I was not expecting much if anything when I decided to try the plugin. I have been surprisingly impressed with the sound improvement after adding the plugin 'Acoustic Widening' preset and tad bit of adjustment on the compressor and EQ settings. I plan on doing more experimenting with this plugin, but you'd be a fool not to get it for free. I may be overstating the rating a bit but for what I used it for it was outstanding and the guitars sounded great just mic'ed with my Neumann TLM103.

Next up will be classical guitar, electric guitar, and some keyboards. I have high hopes for this plugin.

Big thanks to Eventide - new fan.

J. Rucks.

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Torpedo Wall of Sound

Reviewed By jrucks01 [all]
June 12th, 2014
Version reviewed: Win 7 on Windows

I really dig this plug in. To be clear I have been using Amplitude 3 with Cab IRs (mainly Orange cabs) and Guitar Rig 5 amp heads with the provided IRs or cab sim. However, I wanted a more realistic tone for my guitar sounds. So I am now using my new Blackstar HT Club 40v and running out of the effect out into my Focusrite Scarlet 18i20 giving me on a pre-amp signal. This is feeding the Two Notes Wall of Sound III plugin in Presonus Studio One v2. With the Blackstar pre-amp using 12ax7's running into whatever power amp I select on WoS III. I like running EL34s for my dirty sounds and 6L6s for a Fender like cleans. Then you get to select the mic and cabs. Let me clarify that I purchased a majority of the cabs in the store and couldn't be happier. I am also using Peavey Revalver III.V pre-amp for the 6505 into a EL34 power amp with Mesa Boogie 2x12 cab (personal fav) in WoS III.

Does a mic'ed cab sound better? Well certainly - it's realistic folks, but for recording in my project studio this is excellent. I'm impressed and think for the money this a great plugin if used with creativity to get the best tone. My opinions - but would love to hear others...

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