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All reviews by excuse my arrogance!

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Reviewed By excuse my arrogance! [all]
May 23rd, 2015
Version reviewed: 7 on Windows

First review, .

Using Renoise version 3.

I have used Studio One, Ableton Live, Tracktion and all had their quirks. I demoed renoise and got used to its vertical spreadsheet in a few day's and starting to apreciate the workflow more and more.

Why do i like it because i have got a recording scetchpad which is a very good sampler at the same time and can record my mic input straight into memory without setting up anything. The sampler is really well integrated in Renoise.

In fact i feel like i'm back in the days of having an AKAI S3000XL sampler in software format which was fun playing around with samples. To me Renoise feels like a recording instrument aswell.

I can load kicks snares and everything into the same sampler form the browser and tweak the samples with a sample editor cutting, normalizing fading xfading everything is there. Setting up the looppoints is abreeze when turning on the pingpong loop setting which is reversing and forwarding the loop. You can merge a stereo file into a mono file for more easy looppoints finding with the push of a button.

It is as intuitive as the workflow in Ableton live but then with good sound quality! Yes i know science has proved all DAW's sound the same, but for me it is not ableton sounds bad period. Studio one sounds ok and tracktion aswell but Renoise has got a pristine sound engine compared to them. The sound is detailed and has depth into the overall mix. When i use the same instruments (geist drums and trillian for bass) Renoise kicks ass! Renoise mixes from the 2 the best. trillian bass sounds in Renoise more detailed and sounds more pronounced beside the drums. Best sounding DAW for me see for yourselve and try to compare with your current DAW i'm sure you will hear a difference.

Renoise is a creative workhorse once you get to grip with it. Try it and try to forget the lineair approach! You may love Renoise in the end just give it some time. One good point for the tracker approach is that you miss visual reference which forces you to trust your ears over your eyes.

Only gripe i have with Renoise is that i can't record my vocals or guitar parralel to my song. I have to record it in the sampler and align it manually. I do hope that Renoise will add an option in the sampler when hitting record the transport starts at the same time so the recorded sample will play along with the song without aligning it manually.

For recording vocal phrazes the sampler is perfect for recording along the song there must be something improved.

Really enjoying Renoise, it is just plain fun to record with.

Regards, .


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