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All reviews by bobhug

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Reviewed By bobhug [all]
February 18th, 2007
Version reviewed: 2 on Windows

Peti is a magnificent instrument to play. If you are a keyboard player, you owe it to yourself to give it a try.
I find it interesting that the previous reviewers emphasized the accordion sounds, because for me playing Peti with my weighted keyboard can take me back to a small rural church I used to sneak into sometimes just to play the pump organ. Peti has that same, magnificent sound that can turn some simple piece into an awesome sound.
The user interface is pleasant and functional. Everything is at your finger tips.
Peti offers more sound options than you might expect, especially with Version 2’s addition of aftertouch control.
The documentation is good but hardly needed, since the UI is so well designed.
Presets are magnificent. Very usuable as supplied, and great starting points for your own explorations.
Customer support is exemplary.
Value for money? Buy a pump organ and accordion, or just buy Peti.
I have had Peti since I was an original Beta tester and have never had any stability problems. (Yes, this review is THAT over due.)
The instructions for writing a review include “Review the product itself and try to keep comparisons to similar products to a minimum”. That is easy with Peti, because I do not know of anything else like it.
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