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All reviews by SparkySpark

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Reviewed By SparkySpark [all]
July 18th, 2020
Version reviewed: 1 on Windows

I use Provocative on all my own lead vocals. My voice is kind of accurate but thin/narrow (grown up in a boy's choir) and Provocative fattens it very nicely.

Some people say plugs introduce phase shifting issues. I don't know, but I cannot hear it, and if I can't then the average listener probably cannot either...

It also has a nifty EQ setting, which can eliminate boominess.

All in all, great plugin.

(One thing: I need to enter my password every time I open it, not sure why, but am sure Support would be able to sort it out).

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Reviewed By SparkySpark [all]
May 23rd, 2018
Version reviewed: 12 on Windows

This is the first plugin I review in years. I just felt the need to do that since it is, in my mind, such an awesome and uniquely creative product.

I am obviusly very impressed. Here are my findings:

Sound: it sounds great of course, but on top of that, it sounds so musical. I created a video (https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=138&t=505273&p=7084899#p7084899) in which one can here how well it treats a drum loop. No muddyness or harshness - it just does cool stuff whatever preset I throw at the loop, somehow separating the bass drum from the hihats and share, for instance.

UI: this is perhaps the best Melda UI I have seen. It is very clearly laid out and the graphics are super cool (think FabFilter Pro-R). It's really easy to make the plugin "your own", since it really screams at you that it wants to be experimented upon.

Versatility: is this plugin useful? Well I think that it can be used very creatively but also as a more normal delay effect, to add some surprising elements to a specific sound.

All in all, this is, to me, a clear winner and absolutely worth checking out.

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Proteus VX

Reviewed By SparkySpark [all]
August 3rd, 2009
Version reviewed: 2.0.1 on Windows

I grew up with Proteus 1 (which was a big step up for me from the Roland MT-32 I previously owned). The patches of Proteus VX sound familiar to me, as they build upon the Proteus 2000 sounds as well as the whole E-MU banks.

Let me say this at once - I can't believe this beatuy is freeware! I have tried so many VST synths here at KVR and have had a hard time finding a free or inexpensive good sounding bread'n'butter synth/rompler. Now I've found it!

Besides from sounding terrific, there are other nice things here. The UI is excellent, after reading through most of the manual I knew the synth inside out (PM me if you run into trouble!). The routing is very flexible and the fx sounds great. What's more, it is surprisingly light on my poor CPU. I used the SuperWave P8 in conjunction with the VX and thought that the eight or so sounds of the VX was slowing down my system, but it turned out to be the ONE sound from the P8! (This is not to say that the P8 is a CPU killer, just that my system is weak and that the VX is great on resources.)

I'm not sure on stability. It never crashed once on me, but I have had some dropouts, even when there were just a few notes playing. I can't tell though if it's due to the VX or to my DAW (Energy XT). Also, I have no idea on customer support, but you probably won't need it anyway.

Try it out! If you're mostly into sound design you might not be so excited but if you like the good ol' Proteuses, you'll be in heaven!
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