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All reviews by jarred_drozd

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Paax Free

Reviewed By jarred_drozd [all]
May 15th, 2006
Version reviewed: 2.2.1. on Windows

this is good stuff. i just tried 4 other wave players from this site . none of them worked properly in my setup. i have sonar 5 studio. i don't want to name the other products but if you use sonar do yourself a favor and get this one. other wave players got stuck notes, froze my computer, one shot at me a lot of white noise. i wanted something with adsr controls. and this one has it, with a nice touch; they show attack or release times in seconds, not in abstract numbers. stereo samples play back in stereo(some other vstis didn't). paax even has nice fx, reverb chorus and delay.
integration into sonar seems to be excellent- when you save a sonar file paax window pops up asking you if you want to save paax's bank.excellent. you don't have to worry you made edits that you are going to lose.
good stuff.
it could be a liitle simpler to use. like you have to specify range to import a sound, even if it's just one sample you want spreaded across the whole keyboard.
but if you used a sampler or some other vstis before you can figure it out. it's not as easy though as ,say, sfz simple player.
well, it's a price to pay for all those functions in music technology.
i don't know about documentation or support for it.
so , ignore my marks on those two.
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Le Piano

Reviewed By jarred_drozd [all]
February 22nd, 2006
Version reviewed: xp on Windows

i feel compelled to write a review because this vsti deserves it. it's very , very good at what it promises. lounge piano sound. it's an acoustic piano , but not a grand. it's an upright. common upright. that may need some TLC and maybe some tunning. one preset. no controls. it's like sitting at your aunt's piano and clunking away.
sounds amazing with another excellent free vst- that Polish PSP piano verb.
thank you Safwan.
crap, i wanted to end here but apparently i gotta keep going for another 500 letters. alrighty then.
user interface-nothing confusing since thereare no controls.
sound-truly convincing 20 year old upright piano.
features-one superb sound.
documentation-not needed.
presets-look under sound
customer support-look under documentation
value-it's free!
stability-never crashed on my system, where others did crashed.have they ever!
in short , wait i can't say in short because i have been forced to unnecesarily ramble for 500 charachters , when I already made my point 300 charecters ago.
wait i think i'm done.
bye bye
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Proteus X

Reviewed By jarred_drozd [all]
January 30th, 2006
Version reviewed: 1.5 on Windows

there sure is a lot very stern, serious rules when you want to add a review.
is this a german site? lol.
i've had this vst synth for half a year now. for starters : mine was included with 0404 emu soundcard. the package cost $99. i don't quite understand how they can sell here the synth only ,for more than the synth and a soundcard!
proteus x has a lot of sounds. you get 3 CDs. 1 with garden variety + GM, 1 with drum loops, 1 grand pianos.
most of these sounds are rehashed old proteus module sounds(sounding a little brighter than originals though). acoustic pianos are pretty good, pretty, very good. drum loops sound kind of all samish. seems like they are all variations on 5 or 7 loops.
the good thing is you can load any selection of presets, mix them from diffrent banks or sort them by type(e.g. strings only). then you can use them in single or multi mode. multi have 16 channels. then you have the usual filter, asdr etc plus 2 FX processors.
on my 2.4 celeron within sonar when i tried to play more then 15 notes at a time cpu was jumping to almost half.which is higher than from any other of my VSTis.
and latency was set to around 5o ms. this thing is not the most cpu efficient instrument. you have an option to play samples with a pre roll from your hard disk but that wasn't helping much in my case.
i know, i know- celerons are only good for typing.
however, i get way more"cpu for the buck" with other synths.
bottom line ; if you need a soundcard, very clean and quiet soundard, go buy one of the EMU line. you'll get a synth (more expensive versions come with soft emulator which will also sample for you) thrown in for free.
pianos and strings are very good, you get lots of bases and so on( i didn't like the pads though).
i'm sure you will fid many sounds useful. 100 bucks!
would i buy one separately for $150 ?
probably not.
unless you really miss those old proteus sounds.
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