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Gig Performer

Reviewed By Beatlab [all]
April 22nd, 2020
Version reviewed: 3.7 on Windows

After having been a very long time Brainspawn Forte user (which is discontinued for some time now) I found Gig Performer as a great replacement which adds a lot off additional possibilities and improvements for my workflow.
It was very easy for me to learn the first steps because it has a great drag and draw feature for setting up VSTIs and Routings.
But being easy to operate doesn't mean it has less abilities. Through Scripting abilities you can tweak and Change nearly anything you like.

As a live performing keyboardist I use it as host for a lot of different VSTis so I have endless possibilities soundwise. One great feature in Gig Performer is, that I'm able to set up different sets (called rackspaces) of VSTIs, Plugins and Routings per song or per songpart and can switch instantly between them without any gap. So I can freely choose per song/songpart if I need something from Omnisphere, Nexus, Halion, Falcon, Sampletank or even multiple instances of these within one song, easily spread over different keyranges of my masterkayboards. I also use different Plugins on the Mic Input of my Audio-Interface to do some Vocoder and Harmonizing stuff which I can also program per Song/songpart.

Right now Gig Performer is the perfect Live-Host for me because it combines very quick and easy workflow with endless abilities.

I could go on writing some pages about all the cool features but I strongly recommend to anyone who is looking for a live Host to try out the Demoversion.
I also need to mention that it has a very friendly and experienced quick replying community behind which is also a great Thing.

+ Easy and intuitive to learn
+ Windows and Mac available
+ Low CPU usage
+ Seamless Sound switching
+ Very powerful (scipting)
+ great Community

- I didn't find anything yet.

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