Sensomusic has updated Usine Hollyhock to v3.0.180.
- GUI design for long patch's captions.
- Settings_panel is now displayed in single column.
- Better drop items mode in the grid_panel.
Bugs Fixed:
- MIDI learn on the presets_panel combobox are not saved.
- Once-in-poly doesn't work for color-input.
- Video-geometric-resize can crash memory.
- Data-mix-mixer module doesn't work properly when mix-values=0.
- Potential hard crash of Usine when BLOC size > 128.
- Faster click speed on button and switches.
- FM option in audio oscillator hi quality module.
Bugs Fixed:
- Usine doesn't work properly when BLOC size not equals 128.
- Up/down file in files-list doesn't work properly.
- Automation curve is displayed in the IB when recording.
- Randomize listbox doesn't work for mapped values.