Vengeance Sound has updated VPS Avenger to v1.2.3.
- Added system-ID locked licenses.
- Included: new Avenger skin: Chrono_Jade by SatYa.
- Fixed: high CPU usage on some filter models while no audio was playing.
- New mode: if you right-click on the Drumkit lock buttons, they will lock all except the clicked button.
- Fixed a crash that occurs while loading a sample while playing notes.
- Fixed a crash in the new sound browser.
- Fixed a crash on loading VPS Avenger.
- Win: Fixed importing expansions from folders that containing UTF8 chars.
- Fixed Drumkit browser lock-state is was not remembered when reopening the GUI.
- Fixed a rare problem with double drum sequencer notes on loop.
- Fixed Minichain FX "Drum SQ BD" Triggermode.
- Fixed a logic-problem when OSC voice limit was set to 1, ARP was active for a OSC and Wavetable trigger was set to "FIRST".
- Under certain environments preset loading time is faster now.
- Dozens of small improvements and minor bug-fixes.
- Preparations under the hood for the next synthesis module.