VSTBuzz announces "The Business of Music Licensing" eBook
The Business of Music Licensing is an eBook which provides composers and musicians with information on how to make money from their music through licensing or publishing their tracks.
The eBook contains over 70 pages of information on a wide range of topics on the music licensing industry including:
- What the music licensing industry is, how it looks, how it works, and how your music can earn money in it.
- An explanation of all the terms you'll encounter in music licensing.
- How to avoid scams.
- What are PROs/PRS'.
- Exclusive vs. Non-Exclusive.
- Cue Sheets.
- Types of music licensing deals.
- A 3 Year Plan.
- Meta Tagging.
- Tips for increasing your income.
- A list of over 200 good music libraries/publishers to work with.
The Business of Music Licensing was written by Emmett Cooke, an Irish composer whose music has been licensed by a wide range of companies and TV channels including Ralph Lauren, Sony Playstation, Lockheed Martin, The History Channel, The Biography Channel, The Science Channel, ABC, CBS, ESPN and much more.
Price: €12.99 in PDF format at: www.TheBusinessofMusicLicensing.com