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Tritonet releases Harmony Network for Ableton Live


Tritonet has announced the release of Tritonet Harmony Network for Ableton Live, describing it as "a new and novel way to design harmonies".

Here's what they say:

Tritonet is a musical calculator. It establishes a network within Ableton Live that allows users to design the harmony of the entire set with ease. Unlike others, not only users can create smooth chord progressions, but also can distribute this information to all MIDI tracks and let clips follow the chordal structure dynamically. Moreover, it regulates your entire MIDI setup so you can play any harmonic scheme with confidence, no matter how complex it is.

Tritonet provides an innovative way of learning and applying music harmony. It can be seen as an evolution of the Circle of Fifths into the 21st century, enabling a wide array of possibilities for utilising music theory both in the traditional way and in terms of exploring new territories. Tritonet makes learning and performing music theory much more accessible by relying on a sense of direction and focusing on building the intuition behind harmony.

300+ scales, SATB type chord creation, full automation, Dynamic Pitch Mapping and Push integration, Tritonet is a harmonic performance device. It enables users to change harmony on the fly (even on stage). You can also use harmonic templates to change your entire music with a click. Would you like to find out how your creation is going to sound with Beethoven - Moonlight Sonata chord progression? Or Beatles? What about a mashup?

Intro Price: £30 (Reg. £40).



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