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Peti SA Harmonium/Accordion

Accordion Plugin by NUSofting

User Reviews by KVR Members for Peti SA Harmonium/Accordion

User Reviews of older versions


Reviewed By bobhug [all]
February 18th, 2007
Version reviewed: 2 on Windows

Peti is a magnificent instrument to play. If you are a keyboard player, you owe it to yourself to give it a try.
I find it interesting that the previous reviewers emphasized the accordion sounds, because for me playing Peti with my weighted keyboard can take me back to a small rural church I used to sneak into sometimes just to play the pump organ. Peti has that same, magnificent sound that can turn some simple piece into an awesome sound.
The user interface is pleasant and functional. Everything is at your finger tips.
Peti offers more sound options than you might expect, especially with Version 2’s addition of aftertouch control.
The documentation is good but hardly needed, since the UI is so well designed.
Presets are magnificent. Very usuable as supplied, and great starting points for your own explorations.
Customer support is exemplary.
Value for money? Buy a pump organ and accordion, or just buy Peti.
I have had Peti since I was an original Beta tester and have never had any stability problems. (Yes, this review is THAT over due.)
The instructions for writing a review include “Review the product itself and try to keep comparisons to similar products to a minimum”. That is easy with Peti, because I do not know of anything else like it.
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Reviewed By damstraversaz [all]
January 27th, 2005
Version reviewed: 1.0 on Windows

It's an amazing instrument. Like DrApostropheX said, I never find really useful Sampled accordians, I was expecting "more"

peti can make an Huge variety of sound and is so easy to use that I regard it as a REAL instrument.I play accordion for a long time, and it's the first time I have this feeling with an emulation of accordian and harmonium. Playing peti with a keyboard is a real pleasure. That enables you to play in a very different way and that's what I'm waiting for an virtual instrument

Like the other NUSofting and DASH products: a very low CPU usage, A good documentation, A great support and a perfect Stability and a very low price.

The presets are very good (west accordian is perfect!).an impressive work was completed to understand the nature of this type of sound.

If you want a great emulation of accordians, harmoniums, musettees, concertinas, melodicas...It's really a must have instrument.If you think that you don't need the type of instrument, you should try the demo...you could be astonished by the versatility of Peti.
really impressive
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Reviewed By DrApostropheX [all]
August 27th, 2004
Version reviewed: 1.0 SSE on Windows

I've always loved the sound of the accordian, and it's a fun instrument to play, as well. Sampled accordians, however, always left me a little cold with their lifeless sound. An accordian BREATHES, and static accordian samples, no matter how many expression or volume envelopes you added, never really captured the living qualities of the real thing.

So I was very excited with Liqih synth released Peti, a wonderful and unique VSTi which can create far more than just accordian sounds (accordians, organ-grinders, melodicas, harmoniums, musettees, concertinas... even a Farsifa!). And the sounds it can create are amazing. I haven't gotten into using my MIDI controller to "run" the bellows: I haven't had to -- the intuitive bellows controls do a very good job of emulating what a real accordian player would do.

The presets are all very good (and usable in a wide range of musical styles!) and really show off the range of this instrument. The presets are also very "tweakable" so if you have a particular sound (or player) in mind you can easily reach it with just a few twiddles.

Documentation is first-rate and explains all of the features and controls on the charming GUI (as well as suggested harmonics settings, if you're into that sort of thing). Liqihsynth have even included a history of the accordian and links to various sites which illustrate its usage in the music of many different cultures to set the appropriate mood.

It hasn't crashed or bombed once yet (I'm running v1.0 with SSE enabled) so I haven't had a chance to test the support (but Liqih always responds to emails within a few hours or so).

Overall, if you like the sound of the accordian (in its many regional flavors) or want to use its unique character in your tunes, you simply need to try Peti out. I'm sure you'll fall in love with it, too, and find it as usable and enjoyable as I have. Nothing else even comes close.
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