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All reviews by Oddest Noise

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Reviewed By Oddest Noise [all]
November 21st, 2022
Version reviewed: 4.5 on Windows

Recently I bought Nexus 4 with a few extensions. The sound quality is very good and there are many possibilities with this rompler. The NKS coupling works well too. I was happy with it, until I contacted support for a user question: "Is it possible to do a MIDI program change to get different sounds?" Because I really miss this feature.

Instead of a helpful explanation why reFX doesn't support program change, I literally got the answer: "You seem to think we work in a vacuum and have zero contact with our users." But that was not my thought at all. I asked this question, because I own many VST instruments, where the program change feature is very common.

In my personal experience reFX has unfriendly staff. For the purchase price, I should have expected more helpful answers to my question. Too bad I feel like treated like an insignificant number as a customer so I'm disappointed.

I wonder if more people have this experience...?
Because I really hope this was an exception, so I could add a few more stars to my rating.

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